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Surfing during the Vietnam War
and the healing power of wave riding
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September 24, 2017
The California Surf Museum, as a result of their ongoing exhibit honoring the Vietnam War veterans with the emphasis on the healing power of wave riding, received repeated requests to organize a paddle out ceremony to allow the veterans and their family members to pay their respects to those surviving the war and remembering those that have been lost to the ravages of the conflct. As a result we held an informal beach side event in September on a beautiful day in Oceanside with plenty of ohana for all that participated and those remembered.

EXECUTIVE SPONSORS *** Dan and Karen Emerson ***
*** Shine Family - in memory of Jerry Shine ***
*** John Moore - in memory of Dan "Skydog" Highland and James Hitchcock ***
*** Trulson/Gallo families- in memory of Henry Trulson ***
*** the Finnerty family- in memory of Chester C. Finnerty, USAF ***
*** Anything But Ordinary Catering ***
*** Beach Break Cafe *** Breakfast Club Diner *** Jitters Coffee Pub ***
*** Oceanside Outrigger Canoe Club *** Whitlock Ink ***
*** Oceanside Longboard Surfing Club *** Surfin' Fire Surfboards ***
foto by fernandes
foto by fernandes
*** Bill Sperling *** Richard Arnold *** Homer Johnstone ***
*** Ron White - in memory of Steve Young ***
Kurt McFadden - in memory of Company E, 1st battalion infantry; 198th light infantry, Chu Lai
*** Lowell Grimaud *** Ed Hlava *** Linda Jackson Cole ***
*** Jane Schmauss - in memory of Dan Mann, UDT 11 ***
*** Camp Pendleton Surf Club *** U.S. Marines, Camp Pendleton ***

foto: Santos Sal Garcia
foto by fernandes
foto by fernandes

Music for the morning provided by Dave and Kylea Sheils including two original moving tributes to the veterans ***
in background: California Surf Museum president, Jim Kempton
When You Come Back Home - Dave and Kylea Sheils
foto by fernandes
All attending veterans were encouraged to sign a board
special to the event

foto by fernandes
foto by fernandes
foto by fernandes
foto by fernandes
foto: Santos Sal Garcia
Steve Gibby-Vietnam vet and award winning cinema-tographer heads to the water
Dan Emerson (c), event sponsor, and co-founder of the China Beach Surf Club, v1.0, 1966, flanked by son Michael Emerson (l) and son-in-law Jeff Johnston (r) honors his comrads..............
Vietnam vet, Al Daniels, China Beach Surf Club, V3.0, 1969, takes a water shot of CSM legend Rick Wilson, surrounded by a carpet of petals in the water drawing on the Hawaiian custom of honoring their departed.......
Active duty marines from Camp Pendleton volunteered their time off to help us host our event......

foto by fernandes
foto by fernandes
Several paddlers and participants donned shirts honoring a chosen vet, including Bill Schildge (r-c) and his daughter, Jenn.......

foto by fernandes
foto by fernandes

Larry Martin, China Beach Surf Club V2.0, 1968 flew in
from Florida to be part of the day's celebration...........

foto by fernandes
foto by fernandes
More vets manned the attending outrigger canoes
Generations.....Kylea rides to shore accompanied by a Vietnam veteran
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