Surfing during the Vietnam War
and the healing power of wave riding
Suggestions or corrections? email: surfupguy.vietnamexhibit@gmail.com
I am a Vietnam War veteran who surfed before and after the war, and once in-country as well. I volunteered to help with this exhibit, an exhibit which will be educational, as well as a recognition of the veterans who served during the war years. So far it has been two years of collecting personal memoirs. Important, as well, is that the site will provide an on-going window into the process of planning and executing the final exhibit. Since this is a constantly evolving process, this site will evolve as well on a nearly daily basis. It will be an opportunity for those interested and/or personally invested in the final presentation to follow along regardless of where they may be located throughout the country, or even the world. A challenging and innovative approach to be sure, but representative of the effort of the California Surf Museum to continue in the creative fashion that has resulted in a 31 year history of growth in the community. Thank you for your interest and support......Rick M.

The California Surf Museum is proud to announce the planned opening of an exceptional exhibition entitled:
"China Beach-Surfing During the Vietnam War and the Healing Power of Wave Riding."
Opening Memorial Day, May 29th, 2017 this exhibit will highlight the surfing experience during the conflict in Vietnam at various in-country R&R spots, like the famous China Beach, the perspective of those surfers serving in-country, those back home and the veterans returning to the surf after their tour of duty.
The exhibit seeks to capture the unique surfing experience of the era, what it means to those veterans, and how they were able to use surfing as a healing mechanism after they returned. Along with honoring these individuals, we are offering you an opportunity to participate in what promises to be a remarkable exhibit...Jim Kempton, President, California Surf Museum,

Jerry Shine reads his copy of surfer

May 18, 2017

Exhibit Elements
some examples
photo: Rus Calisch, USNR courtesy: Mitch Miller
"In Country" R&R Centers like the one at Cam Rahn Bay provided a brief escape for a day or two during the year long tours of a few fortunate war weary combatants or the recovering wounded.

Jane Schmauss, Museum Historian, looks over one of her several notebooks of collected remembrances, photos and anedotes from Vietnam Veterans
The Caifornia Surf Museum has been a reality for over thirty years now.
CSM is A 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Organization
Proud member of the American Association of Museums
Web site updated: January 19, 2017/ Jan 20/Jan 23/Jan 27/Jan 29/Jan 31/Feb 3/Feb 5/Feb 8/Feb 11/Feb 12/Feb 15/Feb 17/Feb 27/Mar 3/Mar 7/Mar 11/Mar 16/Mar 21/Mar25
Apr 5/Apr 10/Apr 15/Apr 21/Apr 25/Apr 29
Look for ongoing updates as more material gets uploaded
Jane gives a brief account of how this exhibit was born because of a repeating scenario of museum visitors over the years who spontaneously shared the information of having been a Vietnam veteran who had clung to his history of surfing to help him fight through the war years and afterwards.
Our first group meeting was on January 18th to outline the
areas of interest to a core group of volunteers, including
members of the military and interested charitable organizations.

March 01, 2017
May 15, 2017
Where were you in '72?
"Airborne Ranger"
Kristy Lee Cook
co-written with her father, a Vietnam veteran.
Jeff "Peff" Eick is a surfer from the South Bay who served as a Huey gunship pilot during the Vietnam war. In 1966 he helped rescue members of an infantry platoon pinned down in a nasty firefight near the Cambodian border. When the soldiers finished scrambling aboard, Peff realized that one of them was his surfing buddy John Joseph. After returning from Vietnam, Peff wrote and recorded the song "Sons and Daughters" to honor those who served