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Surfing during the Vietnam War
and the healing power of wave riding
Suggestions or corrections? email:
Donate to the Vietnam Exhibit Project by using the California Surf Museum
donate link. Take the opportunity to designate "in memory of" etc by using
PayPal and utilizing the add comment block. Specify the Vietnam Exhibit
and your choice of name. We will include either the donor's name or the
honoree, or both in our roster on this site and also in the soft cover book to be published as part of the exhibit. See the following suggestions for info to accompany the donation, or no info at all if so desired.
LANGUGE: In memory of (deceased) or In honor of (living):
First name, Middle name or initial (optional,) Last name
Years living (optional)
Maiden name (if applicable)
Rank, Branch of Service, Dates served, Location(s),
Personal message if desired; limited to 100 characters
Please see "Roll Call" for one such example
Lauren describes her path to finding a way to "give back"
using her own nonprofit project to help with the orphaned children of Vietnam...
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this boot
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