Surfing during the Vietnam War
and the healing power of wave riding
Suggestions or corrections? email: surfupguy.vietnamexhibit@gmail.com
The Grand Opening of “China Beach: Surfing During the Vietnam War and the Healing Power of Wave-riding” was held at the California Surf Museum on Saturday, June 10 2017.
Opening festivities included introductions from Jim Kempton, President of the California Surf Museum, a blessing by Vietnam veteran Chaplain Lowell Grimaud, a message from the Oceanside Vice Mayor, a message from Jane Schmauss, CSM Historian, and several of the veterans who contributed to this remarkable exhibit including Brigadier General Homer Johnstone (ret.) and Larry Martin, 1968 member of the China Beach Surf Club .

Steve Walsh and Katie Schoolov
focus on Bruce Blandy's account
of his Vietnam experience - KPBS


circa 1968
During the Vietnam War, 350,000 young men from California, including a significant number of surfers spent time half way across the world fighting in a war not of their choosing. They were represented in all branches, land, sea and air and as draftees, enlisted men, nco's and officers. They served in all capacities, front line and support, in many cases harrowing and in some cases tedious, but always with the knowledge that there were no true safe havens.
2015 - the idea

Thirty years ago, Jane Schmauss and some of her friends decided to try and preserve the history of surfing through a small location. Since then it has evolved into an accredited museum and a repository for much of the Southern California surf culture.

During that time it became apparent to Jane when she talked with museum visitors that veterans from the Vietnam era were particularly apt to remark on how surfing had been an integral part of their lives before and after the war years and in many cases had contributed in no small way to their recovery from the trauma of the war. In many cases they were open about sharing their experiences, before, during and after the war, which of itself is unusual for the Vietnam vet. The California Surf Museum made a decision to acknowledge this connection.
2017 - the exhibit

left: entrance to the exhibit rooms.
bottom: as the day goes on veterans , family and new acquaintences congregate and talk story.

top: Brigadier General, Homer Johnstone (ret.)
bottom: Larry Martin, officer of the China Beach Surf Club in1968 and advisor to the TV show, "China Beach," take turns addressing the standing room only crowd.

Brigadier General, Homer Johnstone (ret.)
and California Surf Museum, president, Jim Kempton, stand in front of Homer's photo as a Lieutenant Colonel serving at Vung Tau.

From left: Sean Gallitz (CBS, campaign digital journalist,) Larry Martin, Ralph Boynton (flew in from Florida), Homer,and Bruce Blandy.
On June 13th, Yvonne Schilz, Chief, Commemorative Partner
Program, flew into San Diego with her companions from Arlington, VA to attend the national conference of the National Association of County Veteran Service Officers.
Her first stop, however was to visit the California Surf Museum, one of the program's partners. Please enjoy the emotional video as Yvonne personally pins Vietnam veteran, David Sandbakken, who happened to be visiting the exhibit along with his 92 year old father. I can testify there was not a dry eye to be found in the house.

above: David Sandbakken, Vietnam veteran
right: (from l to r)-Jane Schmauss (CSM Historian,) Yvonne Schilz, Rick M, Caitlyn Pabst (Vietnam War Commemoration,) Bill Schlidge (CSM Board,) Gunny Sgt Thomas Stewart (Vietam War Commemoration)